Gideon Schwartzman
A Few Thin Things

Building Building Elements

...the window and the door, the ceiling and the roof, the corridor and the room, the stair and the ramp...

“If (as the philosophers maintain) the city is like some large house, and the house is in turn like some small city, cannot the various parts of the house - atria, xysti, dining rooms, porticoes, and so on - be considered miniature buildings?”
– Alberti

This project continues the tradition of attempting to break with what is termed modernity in architecture through an attack on the nature of the simplest of architectural things; things like the wall and the ground.

By removing the thread that links building components together elements become useless. They can no longer function as intended but rather have to be injected with a new purpose. Also, since building elements never stand alone, this recontextualization removed the particular relationships the elements maintain to the wall and to the ground to regulate enclosure
or stability.